The RSVP Process

…In Three words?

...And we're not talking about stopping in for a cup of coffee and calling it "good"

What happens during this phase:

✓ Understanding & Evaluationthis is where we conduct our “no holds barred” assessment and analysis. By working alongside your people and immersing ourselves into every aspect of your business, we identify and understand the nature of the problems your organization is facing.  This is the digging phase, and we like to get our hands dirty in order to get to know you.

...Reaching beyond a standardized, overplayed 2-Dimensional Plan

What happens during this phase:

✓ Customized 360° Action Planin a nutshell, this is where we take what we’ve learned about your organization – and where your sales needs are most apparent – and create a tailored plan for moving forward. Your RSVP will take into consideration all areas involved in the realm of sales, including value proposition; sales strategy; customer relationship management (CRM); metrics and quotas; and even hiring plans. REVGrowers is all about generating solutions from all angles.

...It's go time! But we won't leave you hanging

What happens during this phase:

✓ Plan Meets Actionthis is where everything comes together. This is where your RSVP has already become “one of your own” by the immersion from the Engagement phase. This is where your RSVP – armed with insights from your people – has developed a comprehensive plan for sales success from the Planning phase. And finally, in the Implementation phase, this is where we hit the ground running. We work with you to roll out your tailored sales process every step of the way. We then schedule regular follow-ups every 30 days to check in and see where we can continue to support you.